
How are you?

석란 2007. 10. 5. 23:24
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새창 인쇄
How are you? 제목검색 ? 닫기
보낸날짜 | 2007년 10월 03일 수요일, 오전 11시 16분 40초 +0900
추가 | SMS
받는이 | "Alberto" <jikeum1121@hanmail.net>, "Robert(이재섭)" <jslll@naver.com>, "Vivi(김영자)" <vivi2327@hanmail.net>, "사라(김희숙)" <Bamsil6@naver.com>, "샐롬(김성옥)" <kso1402@naver.com>, "안나(이옥자)" <lan65@hanmail.net>   추가

Hello! Good morning?


Today is "The Foundation Day" as a holiday.


It's so cloudy and chilly a little.


What are you doing now?


Now I hang the flag on the edge of veranda and look down over almost my




I can see a few flag hanging on.


Maybe it's raing a little,so  they may think getting wet their flag.


Now I'd like to suggest a good song "the sad movies".


If we meet all together some day, let's go to a singing room


and sing this song loudly! O.K?


Have a good time with your family today!


So long and take care of bad cold!


fr  Alberto

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